Catch ya in a while, crocodile!
The Ausventure Begins!
Hey you guys,
We’re finally doing it!
We have actually set off on our maiden voyage around this big ole beautiful land we call home.
It has been a little while in the baking, but we always knew we’d make it. Swirling around in our minds for a few years, we eventually let the idea out into the big wild world and made steps, albeit slow ones, to go.
After a pretty fantastic start to 2017, having been hiking in New Zealand and snowboarding in Japan, all before the end of March, our return to work the very next day, saw us find out we had lost our jobs. Uh oh.
Both working at the same small family business, we were aware it was possible we could both find ourselves jobless, but figured we’d cross that bridge when, and if, it happened. After meeting at work in 2009, we continued working together, and in 2015 bought a house. That was all until the business where we worked was sold and we decided it was time to pack up and go.
So, 2 years in on our mortgage, suddenly zero income, and a plan to travel Oz for a year. If people thought we were crazy working and living together, they were about to think we had gone completely bonkers!
The next 18 months saw a few ‘trip leave dates’ come and go, but we persevered. At casual paid jobs while we got our house ready to be leased, things took time. Work hours were increasing (which was great for our savings), but our trip preparations were declining. We had to bite the bullet, and over the last 6 month, we spent less time working for money, and more time working on leaving. We put our belongings in storage (thanks Mum and Dad), moved back in with Michael’s parents (again, thanks Mum and Dad!), and called the real estate in to work out the rest.
And all of a sudden, it came. The moment when there wasn’t any more we could really do, except go. Our house was rented, the big orange Jeep ready and the Tvan packed.
…so our Ausventure began.
Stay tuned to see how this Ausventure begins!
Until our next update - see you on / off the road 😉
Cassie and Micky